English translation for "shifting the burden"
- 舍本逐末
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| 1. | An alternative is to shift the burden of food subsidies to the general tax payer . 一种选择就是把粮食补贴负担转移到普通纳税人身上。 | | 2. | Res ipsa loquitur is the legal doctrine that shifts the burden of proof from the plaintiff ( o the defendant 只有在事实本身说明( res工psaloquitur )的情况下,举证责任才由原告方转移到被告方。 | | 3. | By allowing you to specify the specific types acted on by a generic class or method , the generics feature shifts the burden of type safety from you to the compiler 通过允许指定泛型类或方法操作的特定类型,泛型功能将类型安全的任务从您转移给了编译器。 | | 4. | Murmured clare ; and yet he was conscious of a pang of bitterness at the thought - approximately true , though not wholly so - that having shifted the burden of her life to his shoulders she was now reposing without care 克莱尔嘟哝着可是他一想,又感到了一阵钻心的痛苦他觉得,她现在毫无牵挂地睡着了,却把一生的重担移到了他的肩上,他这种想法虽然不是完全如此,但大致上也是差不多的。 | | 5. | In this paper will discuss the principles of shifting the burden of proof , the regulations ca n ' t become sound in its phase of legislation , but it is an important regulation in relief of right , and we should be convinced of it is belong to integrative system engineering . there are profound and lasting significance to conclude the basic legislation and justice principle about shifting the burden of proof ,对举证责任倒置的争议随着《民事证据法(草案) 》的拟定而突起,本文还就举证责任倒置在立法中所应遵循的原则进行一定的探讨,尽管举证责任倒置的规范不可能在一部法律的立法阶段即十全十美,毕竟它在权利救济的过程中是一项重要制度,而且应认识到对此的规范属于综合的系统工程,不可能一蹴而就,所以归纳其在立法及司法实践中应遵循的基本原则具有深远的意义。 | | 6. | It is not many scholars to clearly prove the opinion of shifting the burden of proof , on the contrary the contradictory scholars are more prominent , for example the vice professor of southwest politics and law university , chengang , wuyue who translates and introduces the burden of proof of germany , because them there are more and more people support the opposite opinion , while in the draft of " civil evidence code " , the traditional idea win , in this draft the legislator abides by the present justice and our country ' s native circumstance , they made an scientific choice , of course , the burden of proof will directly influence the party " s possibility of losing the lawsuit , while the regulation of shifting the burden of proof increases the plaintiff ' s opportunity to win a lawsuit . to explain what is the shifting of burden of proof , the paper use the civil law as the example to point out the " reverse " is not entirly relieve the plaintiff s obligation of producing evidence , but in certain extent and in certain range make the defendant bear the burden of producing those proofs from the reverse way , which are originally beard by the plaintiff . in the three proceeding law , shifting the burden of proof have some differences , but the interior spirits are coincident - for the values of social justice and the legal reason 论证举证责任倒置的学者观点明确并且论证十分充分的不多,相反却是对此著书立说予以反驳的学者较为突出,如西南政法大学的副教授陈则博士,翻译并介绍德国证明责任学说的吴越先生均是目前国内对举证责任倒置持否定态度的代表人物,由于他们的推动使得国内持此说的人越来越多,但在《民事证据法(草案) 》的拟定过程中,并未采责任倒置的地位,这样的立法选择是建立在对我国法律实现的本土环境客观认识的基础上的科学选择,诚然,举证责任的分配直接影响到当事人在诉讼中的败诉风险,而“倒置”规则的设计,则在此问题上增加了原告胜诉的筹码,在理解何为举证责任倒置时,本文着重以民事法为主线,指出这种“倒置”并非全部免除原告的证明责任,而是在一定范围与一定程度上将通常应由原告负担的举证责任转由被告从反方面承担,举证责任倒置在三大诉讼法中所体现的具体情形有所差异,但它们的内在精神是一致的?法律的理性与社会公平价值,在民事诉讼中举证责任倒置的情形,一般总是将其局限于特殊侵权情形,而忽略了民事合同违约责任的诉讼中的原告也无须对被告应承担违约责任的所有要件,对被告主观上的过错实行推定,若被告予以否定则应对其无过错的证据举证,在设置举证责任倒置的规则时,从各国的立法经验与法的内在价值要求可以总结出以下几个原则:程序法与实体法结合原则,公平原则,诉讼经济原则,保护弱者原则等,基于此完善举证责任倒置的规则时首先应肯定举证责任倒置的概念,其次立法应避免求大求全,再次要配合实体法的发展,最后还可以在司法领域尝试判例的指导意义。 | | 7. | Professor lang has suggested that shifting the burden of proof and collective litigation should be applied on our securities supervision . professor ' s advice may be theoretically effective , meanwhile the amendment of law will need a long time in the procedure . therefore , it seems that the choice of improving the ability of discrimination deals with concrete matters relating to work in reality 郎咸平教授曾提出辩方举证和集体诉讼的监管思维,这种增加违规成本的思路从理论上说要比加大查处力度有效;但要将其写入证券相关法律中却需要漫长的等待,在时不我待的我国证券市场上,加大查处力度、提高识别违规行为概率无疑是现阶段更加务实的选择。 | | 8. | Shifting the burden of proof of is the special provision and exception of the principle of burden of proof , during drafting " civil evidence code " , divergences about how to regulate the burden of proof appear , jurists have diffirent opinions on it , this paper set out from those divergences and disputes , discussing in detail with six sections : the disputes on the shifting the burden of proof , reasonable define the conception about shifting the burden of proof , the relation of shifting the burden of proof and deduction , shifting the burden of proof in present law and regulations , the function of shifting the burden of proof and the civil cases suitable for this regulation , legislative proposition . this artical elabrates the theoretical and realistic foundation of shifting the burden of proof . moreover , shifting the burden of proof is a phenomenon of proceeding and other regulations of solution to disputation , it is not confined to those laws and regulations of procedure , but also exist in substantial law 举证责任倒置是举证责任分配规则中的特殊与例外,在民事证据法的草拟过程中对举证责任倒置的存废与否产生了分歧,法学界对此的观点也呈现出百花齐放的态势,本文从举证责任倒置争议与分歧的观点出发,基于举证责任倒置存在与否的争议、举证责任倒置概念的合理界定、举证责任倒置与推定的关系、举证责任倒置在我国现行法律中的体现、举证责任倒置的功能及可适用民事案件的具体类型、举证责任倒置立法完善的构想共六个部分具体阐述,从理论角度、司法实践及立法构想三个不同的视角分析举证责任倒置在我国的存在的理论意义、现实意义与立法前景,表明举证责任倒置不仅在我国具有立法基础而且有实践环境,阐述举证责任倒置虽然是出现于诉讼或是解决争议的其他程序中的一个现象,但它又不局限于诉讼及其他解决争议的程序规范,从现有的法律规范及法律实践来看,举证责任倒置与实体法是“同呼吸,共命运”的,用句老话说就是“皮之不存,毛将焉附? ” |
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